Recently I have been reflecting on my personal journey through this thing we call LIFE as I turn 35 years around the sun!

Looking at the struggles, my experiences, what I have been through and where I am now. After a lot of self discovery I realised how I am a sensitive but strong and caring man that has a deep passion for supporting others. 

Before I knew myself I was a completely different person, swimming in a soup of unhealed and misunderstood emotions and quite frankly I just wanted to escape life. I suffered from anxiety, depression, self doubt, low self esteem, addiction, jealousy, lack of confidence, procrastination and anger. It feels quite deep writing those words but I am an honest person so it’s the only way. I was very drawn to dance music from a young age as it would allow me to escape into a dream world, so I was hooked. I was DJing and partying a lot which felt like heaven at times as I could completely lose my thoughts and totally escape the pain and suffering. When the party stopped it was a difficult and dark scene for me internally. I was so lost and trying to run my own businesses at the same time. Unfortunately we are not guided, held or initiated into a supportive culture, it was get f*cked or go home. So I had to find and heal myself but I didn't know how. 

The healing journey began by receiving my first energy healing from Josie 8 years ago and that night I saw things out of a sci fi film in my little bedroom in Hackney. Slowly but surely I started to find myself and see the entire world differently. A few years later I then began to suffer from a series of health issues surfacing in my gut which led to an even deeper healing and becoming sober. 

Throughout my life there have been some seriously tough times - mentally, emotionally, spiritually - It's been years of deep shadow work and spending all of my money on healing myself through various healing modalities. There is no course in the world that could teach me my experiences and bring me back to peace in the way that it has now. I needed to go on this journey which feels like a long initiation. I signed up for this path and these curses have ended up being my gift as the coach and healer that I am now. I'm happy to say I have found peace, healing and balance through spirituality. You are never fully healed but you can find balance, understanding and awareness of yourself. 

Spirituality brought me home! I have never been happier in my life than now. I know myself and that is very valuable. My journey has been one of empowerment by choosing to heal myself, by looking into the face of my fears and getting comfortable in the uncomfortable. It led me to become Conscious Cook, work with sound healing and become a reiki healer.

I have always had a natural passion to support, help and heal others and I believe these curses have brought many gifts so I can be the best healer or coach I can be.

If you want to invest in your own healing I am here for you.

I currently have space for four more clients in my empowerment coaching programme and some space for private energy and sound healings.

Big love Chris


vine of the soul